
星期四, 8月 01, 2013

Google Adwords 菜鳥教學 1 - Avg. Pos. ( Average position )

"1" is the highest position, and there is no "bottom" position. An average position of 1-8 is generally on the first page of search results, 9-16 is generally on the second page, and so on. Average positions can be between two whole numbers.

 For example, an average position of "1.7" means that your ad usually appears in positions 1 or 2.

Generally, position 1 to 3 will be the top placement ( top of the pages ) while position 4 to 8 may be the side adv position. for 9 or later, they may appear in the next pages.

Source : https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722122?ctx=tltp
